
Haiii!! My name is Sküg, but you can also call me Gamz or Xanax.I am autistic and the host of a system, as well as having numerous other mental health conditions and physical disabilities. I am bodily an adult, however my alter age fluctuates between 13-16.I am bodily mixed white and Indigenous (Mi'kmaq). I am a goblin extranthrope and also canine polytherian/cladotherian.I am anti-censorship/proship/profiction whatever you wanna call it and also propara, however this is NOT a safe space for pro-contacts.I'm a scemo punk cyber/mall goth juggalo. :•3I usually don't tag TWs so please read my BYF for possible triggers.Sometimes I platonically flirt with moots, if this makes you uncomfy don't hesitate to let me know!For those who care I am a Capricorn and an EXFP.


I am a CSA, COCSA, SA, abuse and incest survivoir and use fiction to cope. There are lots of taboo themes on my account that will likely not be tagged.I am a paraphile, although not a big three paraphile. I'm mainly an erotophonophile, vorarephile, sadist, autozoophile and plushophile. The rest won't play as large a roll on my account.Do not follow if you are uncomfortable with:•Lolicon/shotacon/cub
•Blood/gore (in art, not irl gore)
•Yiff (feral and anthro)
•Any other depraved fictional kink

I do not condone bestiality, child (sexual) abuse, acts of necrophilia, incest, or any other form of rape irl


•Basic DNI criteria (racist, islamophobic, queerphobic, facist, xenophobic, antisemetic, zionist, classist, misogynists, misandrists and intersexists)•MINORS!!!!!!! Even if you're "legal in your country" If youre under 18 go away!!! (this includes adult alters in minor bodies, but not minor alters in adult bodies)•Pro-contact/neutral-contact/complex-contact zoophiles/pedophiles/"MAPs"/necrophiles.•If you sexualize child actors or call them "irl lolis/shotas"•Suibaiters, harassers, doxxers, antis•Ableists (this includes using 'mental illness' or 'schizo' as an insult, using the term "narcissistic abuse", using functioning labels, using the term "Aspergers" and supporting Autism Speaks)•You believe in "blackwashing", you believe you can be racist against white people, and/or you compare non-issues to slavery or the Holocaust•If you discriminate against drug users and homeless folks•Fatphobes/EDTWT•Furry haters, anti-therian, cringe culture supporters, flop and cringe accounts•Exclus, truscum, anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, TERFs, "Gender Critical", radfem, "LGB Alliance", "gold star" lesbians, "Super straights" "⬛🟧"•You think its ok to misgender someone just because they're shitty•If you support irl incest or "consang"•Conservatives, patriots, centrists (you guys are pussies), bootlickers, pro-military, "All Lives Matter", anti-abortion, anti-autonomy, anarcho-capitalists (ancap)•You force your religious beliefs onto others (no matter what religion)•Against ACAB, BLM and ANTIFA•Cryptobros, NFTbros, AI "art" supporters•If you kinkshame harmless kinks (yes, this includes CNC, knife/bloodplay and other taboo but legal kinks)•SHTWT•Mcyttwt, ESPECIALLY Dreamsmp stans•Kpoptwt•If you make jokes about specific malicious indigenous legends whose names shouldn't be spoken•If you make jokes about hurting or killing animals, including bugs and spiders•If you have an obsessive hatred for the Boyfriends comic (I don't even like it but some of y'all are just homophobic and transphobic)•If you are a fan of shoe0nhead, Calvin Garrah, Blaire White, Andrew Tate, J.K. Rowling, Matt Walsh, Vaush, Stonetoss, antoons, ChrisRayGun, twomad, JonTron or stwawbwewypwess/stwawbwewymilk•If you agree with genital surgeries on intersex kids or circumcision